PRESS RELEASE – Manav Singh Case. DATE: 11/06/2021



11th June, 2021

National Human Rights Commission – NHRC transfers the Manav Singh Cyber Murder Case to the Crime Branch CID for reinvestigation

#JusticeForManav @Justice4Manav

After following the slow pace of investigation in the Manav Case over the last one year, the NHRC on 9th June 2021 transferred the Manav case to the Crime Branch CID for reinvestigation. The accused and their accomplices are still scot-free, making a mockery of the legal process. They have used all possible unfair means to derail justice. The tragedy is that Justice has been delayed & denied, to Manav, his parents & all the people supportive of Human Rights.

Taking note of the plea made by parents of Manav, the Commission has considered the material placed on record. From the perusal of the report, it is apparent that the enquiry report is silent about the any arrest neither made in the matter nor sent the mobile phones for forensic on time. There are various lapses in investigation which also suggest that the present investigation by the present IO seems fail to follow the basic principal and procedure of law. The Commission is of the view that there has not been a fair investigation, hence, transfers the matter to the CBCID for re-investigation of the matter. The Principal Secretary, Department of Home, Govt of Haryana is directed to have the matter “further investigated” by the State CB-CID of FIR 237 dated 14.05.2020 u/s 306 IPC PS Sector 53, Gurugram, Haryana and submit an action taken report to the Commission within eight weeks.

The CB-CID investigation officer will also enquire the role of police/IOs for committing lapses during the investigation and suitable action against them, if found guilty. As the complaint involves a serious issue, in which life of a young boy has gone because of Cybercrime, the complaint can be better investigated by a police, well equipped with Cybercrimes, complaint and proceedings be also sent to the Home Ministry, Cyber Crime Unit to investigate the matter and report within eight weeks, NHRC noted in their order.

It is now clear that Manav Singh was Cyber Murdered on 4.5.2020. With all the  information available, the statements of the witnesses, show that it was a planned and strategized conspiracy between several persons, most of them minor children (17+ years) hailing from elite schools in Gurgaon / Delhi-NCR. The system has been taken for a roller coaster ride by the accused girls & their well-heeled gang.

Manav, lost his life due to a mischievous, prejudiced, imaginary & slanderous post made on Instagram by a girl from GD Goenka School, Gurgaon. Another girl from Suncity School, Gurgaon along with a dozen more girls started to abuse, threaten & bully him – none of them bothering to know the truth or asking the girl(s) if they had any proof of accusation. He was labelled a RAPIST immediately, without being one, without a shred of evidence. One of the girls enlisted the support of her boyfriend, accused person Ishaaq, an adult, in also extending threats to Manav.

With thousands of followers each on Instagram, the charge-sheeted girls and other accused persons managed to make the story viral. They had been planning to do this the whole day and co-ordinated each move. Who would post first, who will tag Manav, who will threaten him & who will force him to end his life. In the end, they ALL together KILLED him. They trolled & threatened him, driving him to take the extreme step of ending his life. It was a well-planned cold blooded Murder, with a cunning conspiracy to target an innocent person. They were under the false impression that by making a false accusation, they will get sympathy of of the people. The main accused girl was dictating the post content to her main co-conspirator & others. Everything is on record now. But proper examination and preservation of the digital proof is still required.

Earlier on 24.7.2020, the Ld. MM, Gurugram Courts, observed that “the Investigating Officers are working at a low pace in the present matter for the reasons best known to them.”  The Court then chose to exercise its power under Section 156(3) of the CrPC to monitor the investigation. The Court directed that henceforth the Investigating Officer/S.I.T. shall file Status Report qua progress in the investigation every 15 days till the filing of the Charge sheet.



Advocate Amish Aggarwala (9953401701) is taking the lead in delivering #JusticeForManav and we seek everyone’s support in this endeavour. This should not happen again and for that a stern example should be set, starting with Manav’s case.

Manoj Kumar – Father of Manav

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