Wikipedia Anti-Male Because

Dateline: Virginia, USA
By: Yahoo News
From: John Dias at Anti-Misandry
Via: The Honor Network

Priority News Exchange Program News Item (PNEP)

A lot of questions have come up about Wikipedia refusal to cover mens rights issues, and know we have part of the reason:

“…The online encyclopedia Wikipedia neglected to do a basic background check before hiring a chief operating officer…At the time, she was on probation for a 2004 hit-and-run accident in Virginia that had landed her seven months in prison. Doran had multiple drunken-driving convictions, and records show earlier run-ins for theft, writing bad checks and wounding her boyfriend with a gunshot to the chest.…Doran also had a picture on her desk of her late husband — intelligence officer Sean Doran, a former CIA employee and Air Force major who drowned on their honeymoon in the Cayman Islands in 1999…There had been other trouble she didn’t talk about, such as the 1989 shooting of her then-boyfriend, the father of her son. Bothwell allegedly had been beaten by the boyfriend and received probation after he asked that the case be dropped.Bothwell also popped up in 1995, when a former roommate was accused of poisoning a man for insurance money. Bothwell worked with investigators to secretly record incriminating conversations with the ex-roommate. Defense attorneys countered that she helped authorities so she could win leniency in a pending credit-card forgery case.”
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