Women's right to Property – Divide and Ruin

This is a Real Life story happened in this summer.
In my neighborhood, since many decades married Daughters and her children used to come to native place during their vacation and were staying in their ancestor home, which is now owned by their youngest Brother.
Their Father had sold their 1 acre land out of 2 acre for 1000 Rupees in 1968(or before) and paid all expenses of his 3 Daughters marriage; there was no problem for almost 40 plus years and their Father died in 1980.
Subsequently the Property ownership was transferred to their mothers name, the Younger brother did not bothered to transfer into his name, as the mother is still alive and he was looking after her.
This year his mother desired to transfer property to his youngest son’s name before her death, so he wanted NOC from his 3 sisters, but his sisters and their Children blatantly refused to give NOC.
Due to recent government Amendments recognizing women’s right to property, all have started claiming their rights on rest of the 1 acre land and the ancestor home too; So by Amending this Law, Government is not making any improvement on anyone’s life but ruining the peace.
For Decades all were in harmony and No one objected to come and stay in Ancestor Property for few days.
but now they are Arch enemies.
Indian government is making such foolish laws without thinking the outcome of such move.
Because of Feminists objection Government is making laws in Women Favor.
Indian government is not considering, their Father sold 1 acre for their marriage and Stridhan
Indian government is not considering the hardship put in by the man to develop the land for decades.
Indian government is not considering the Man’s caring of their Mother for decades;
Indian government is not considering that these Women did not spent any money to maintain and develop the property, nor took their mothers care.
All they wanted now is Share in 1 Acre property, even though they got Stridhan
Government should have put one condition, here after or 2012 afterwards women has right to property, instead Women’s right to Property;
Any Blind person can says, this is not right and its injustice, but Indian Government, judiciary think they are right.
This law is Worst than British Policy of divide and rule (derived from Latin: divide et impera), this is divide and ruin, ruin both families.

Thank you Prakash.G.Naik for the support

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