Honor Network Expands Organizational Cooperation

Honor Network Expands Organizational Cooperation
Priority News Exchange Program News Item (PNEP)
In another step to bring cooperation between organizations concerned with fathers and mens rights the Honor Network (HN) has secured agreements with Real Fathers for Justice (RF4F), The Equal Justice Foundation (EJF)- an ACFC Affiliate, and Fathers for Justice (F4J/US only) to transfer PNEP news items between the forums taking part. These forums include Anti-Misandry (UK), Dads On the Air (ANZAC), BC Fathers (Canada), My Nation (India), Dads House (Ireland) & Fathers For Justice (USA only). We are also providing some purely political forums (4-more) with news items, when such issues touch on matters that may be unaware to the population at large- due to indirect censorship by the MSM.
This program is looking to expand to other countries, so if there is anyone with links to other forums in other countries (not already covered at present/only one per country) that are interested in taking part in this program please contact our representative on this forum or contact us directly at:

HN transfers news and articles from each forum to others and vise-versa, but do not use them for ourselves at the Honor Network, though we do gather writers (21 at present count) from around the world to supply the forums with activist writers in each country to make sure nothing escapes the causes eye. These HN writers articles do appear on HN, so as to help get exposure for MRA writers that help in covering regions for the cause as a whole.
We would gladly hand this cooperation between organizations to those members participating, so that we may fill other niches that need filling in getting the ball rolling in the never ending need to get as much a level of cooperation that each organization is willing to do, yet we understand this is not possible at this time. It is our hope that in the future all these organizations can run this program without HN direct involvement, so we may move on to our Honor Network Radio Plan, 2nd think tank, and other issues in the works.
If you wish to make an offer to HN (or any other organization we have open channels of communication with) please feel free to contact us at the above link as long as you are ready for both long and plentiful emails, and of course give & take in your dealings to earn trust where both parties gain for the offers put on the table.
It is hoped we can provider this necessary ground as honest and trusted mediator between organizations, so that the issues that divide the cause may find a cooperative balance. HN collective views on this issues do not come into play when we play the role as moderator, for we will be happy to get other organizations to work together (that may have different views than our own) for the greater good of the cause – as the death of so many men & fathers in nations around the world demand such priorities be taken.
Thank you for your time and may the cause continue to gain momentum,
HN Staff

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