FeminISM and eQuality

Feminism is nothing to do with Equality;
It’s not about empower women
They have ONE GOAL:

To dominate, control and destroy a man`s finance, mental health, self esteem and any hope for happiness.

It teaches Women, not to Listen to men, even her Own Father or Brother.
Overpower Men, Dominate, Control them and ruin their life; and leave no room for any happiness.
Anyone ever seen Feminists demanding equality?
Like, you Pay half, rest I will pay. They say paying all the Bills is Men responsibility. this is just an example, they never say half yours half my responsibility, when the Word Responsibility comes its for MEN only.
Feminists Teach, don’t cook for Husband; she has right to enjoy with other men and harass husband to an extent that he will go for Divorce, she can make money;
Because Feminists knows as long as Henpecked Men in Government and Judiciary wearing bangles they have all the laws in their favor and with Divorce they hit the jackpot.
This is what Feminism all about.

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