Domestic Violence Act

Divorce rate in india, increased after implementation of Dowry Prohibition Act (IPC 498A) and now after Domestic Violence Act, this will increase 50%, soon there will be more divorcees than married couple, and single parents.
The Act covers women, be they wives,live-in partners, sisters, mothers, mothers-in-law or any other woman relation. Also it says the law covers Any other verbal or emotional abuse.
So far women misused dowry law against husband and his family only,now any women can charge men without any proofs for their complaints.
Our government instead making correction in already widely misused law of IPC 498A, they give another tool to harass men.
Result of this,
Indian men will not marry,Indian women.
There will be more one night stand.
Rapes will increase,when men are denied sex at home lawfully.
Men will take law in thier hand when they falsely accused with DV Act and when they did not get justice.
Husband sister or Mother will sue borthers/Sons Father in law,when her brother/Son falsely accused with dowry and DV Act.
It will ruin marriage and Indian Family System only.
wife will sue husband/her Father/Brother in laws, when is not able to adjust to husband family,her one word is enought to arrest all male members of husband Family.
she do not want any proofs and there is no clause to justify how husabnd insulting her or calling her with names.Law will totally fail on this matter.
All Indian women want to make men to be eunuchs, and soon indian will be Land of eunuchs.
Men will Affraid to stay/Marry Indian women,it will give raise in Homos and lesbians.
Men and women endup in One night Stand and there will be bastered kids all over India.
There will be AIDS all over India.
When eunuchs make laws, india will be Doomed, thats the Future i forsee for India.
Why Indian government is not making Domestic Harmony bill, instead Domestic violence bill,After this Act, once men / Husband is Arrested then there is no chance of compromise or settle Family issues and live peacefully.It Indirectly shows that Government want Divorce rate to be increased,make more Violence at home,rape,murders and Mockery of Judiciary.

One thought on “Domestic Violence Act

  1. Dear Sir,
    When this old law 498A apply for empowerment of indian married lady is not successfull due to so many lacuna in this Act, how any muslim women can be more powerfull after implement of new triple Talaq law.
    Please save Indian family.

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