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IN INDIA, Innocent is Guilty untill proven not Guilty.

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6th Amendment of United States of America says

These rights are given to all men or women under trial for any sort of wrongdoing. They establish the “Innocent until proven guilty” thats in the United States legal system.

In Mexico, those arrested are, in practice, considered Guilty until proven Innocent - with predictable results. The great majority of the accused never see a judge or even an arrest warrant

but in India, its worst

Innocent is Guilty untill proven not Guilty.

It is said

In India you will walk free if you are a Woman, Rich and Guilty but not if you are a Man, Poor, and Innocent

Law in India made only for Women, Rich and Politicians.

Women can file case on anyone, even she has not seen or met, she can file Rape case. recently there was a news a empowered women filed RAPE case on a man whom she said came in her dream and raped her. Police will take such complaints and Investigate. In India Women appeasement is so much they have more than 50 cases they can use to make easy money and government is not ready to fix the loopholes because of Women are VOTE BANK in India.

Rich cases are heard in days and ordinary people has to wait for decades.

Politicians can murder, sell whole nation, and roam free, contest election and win to make favorable laws for them.

Rest of the men, specially married men, Guilty and his wife is always victim of domestic violence, suffer rape, torture and abuse. even she has had extra marital Affair, beat husband or kill him, abuse husband family and parents she is always ABLA NARI (read -  )


Any of you face such injustice please post, how you are harassed by Law,System and your spouse

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