Mockery of Law

In India justice is used as per personal wish of Politicians, Criminals, Rich as well as Police and even Justice themself.
Judgment should be same to everyone, but different judgment comes from one court then deaf, dumb and even blind will know, that there is something wrong with Indian Justice system.
This judgment came from Bombay High court, One judge says NO and after some times another judge says YES, that means they themself do know law correctly or trying to prove each other wrong.
In this judgment [Divorced woman can’t use ex’s name] Judge says Women can’t use ex-husband Surname and later Another Judge says in this Judgment [ Women can use ex-husband surname]
Now you know, these so called Judges has no knowledge of Law or making Mockery of Justice System.

3 thoughts on “Mockery of Law

  1. We know that MOST HEINOUS CRIME of NON-PUNISHMENT OF FALSE COMPLAINANTS (esp. WOMEN)& VESTED GROUPS (like News-Hungry Media spreading False stories; Case Hungry Police-Judges booking more Cases without Prima-facies/Investigation; all done just for furthering their vested interests) has TREMENDOUSLY INCREASED FALSE COMPLAINTS/ NEWS/FIRS/ TRIALS/CONVICTIONS. WE WILL PUNISH THESE CONSPIRATORIAL TERRORISTS under IPCs (all those who have not Punished False Complainants equal to Crime/Conviction Rate).
    WE WILL ALSO MAKE ALL LAWS/RULES TRULY GENDER-NEUTRAL (against Pro-Women Bias) RETROSPECTIVELY (i.e. from date of enactments) BESIDES MAKING ALL SUCH TRIALS/ INVESTIGATIONS AS INCREDIBLE (with retrospective AUTO-REVERSALS of All Interim-Final Complaints/FIRs/News/Trials/Convictions with Apologies/Compensations, being gravely biased Injustices).
    Silent Majority Citizens Cannot be Fooled Anymore.

  2. Krishna;
    You are living in a dream world;
    This is India, as long a corrupt government rules nothing happens; no matter what citizens do, there is nexus between these baboos,law makers,judges,Police and under world;
    they have common understanding;
    They make laws in their favor if that is not working they use threats by mafias.

  3. I am agree with mr. krishna and ready to participate in the required activities.

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