My Husband is not helping in House work

As a NGO, we are getting many calls from Women also.
Most of them have funny problems, but they want to file case based on that, as they know sooner than later their marriage will break.
Most common complaint is, In-laws are pointing mistakes, or telling what to do and what not.
One caller started to complain, as her marriage was just 3 months old.
“My husband is not helping me in house hold work. once he back home from work, he just sit in front of TV do nothing.” she said.
OK, so what your problem ? i asked.
I have no problem, but he is the Problem, she grumbled.
How?, i asked
My Parents gave so much Gold, Money and things at the time of Marriage.
So? i exclaimed.
Still i have to work here, cooking and cleaning, she continued.
He demanded that Gold, Money and things? and that given to whom ? i asked
NO, he dint ask. Parents gave Gold to me.
then What do you expect from him, once he come back from work tired. I asked again.
You mean to say just because your Parents gave you Gold and money he has to cook for you after coming back from Work. I continued.
uuuummmm NO, Yes, I mean, he can Help me…..she was trying justify…..
The house you stay, who purchased it ?
The Food you have, Who pay for it?
All the Bills, who pay for it?
Did you helped him to pay for all of this? NO, right ? then how can you tell that he has to help you in Household things?
Pay half to buy house, and to all your other expenses, you feminists think, man has pay for all and cook and clean for you also…….
I wanted to continue, but i heard phone huuuuuuummmmm sound from other end as call was long disconnected.

3 thoughts on “My Husband is not helping in House work

  1. Same problem same nagging … What do you think… Is marriage a joke…. What would happen if your mother behaved the same way… You would have been a father less.. mal nourished, neglected child… Most probably pushed into flesh trade… Don’t ever take your marriage for granted…

  2. For the men who plainly married with no much hustle and who think that the wives are just as expected to be plain and humble too are now realizing the traps they are caught in to. The women attitudes nowadays are simply intolerable which have been swayed by either media or the societal influences of feminism that’s spreading like plague without even caring for the real essence of married life. They all seem to get married to separate one day after crushing men’s lives.

  3. Guy should buy a huge Dildo for his wife,
    Then see no complaint.
    Whenever I fucked my wife good, she did all the household work without complaints.
    Even managed her Job.
    But the day I was not in mood she made many complaint noises.

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